The little story of the 2cv

The little story of the 2cv, an emblematic French car

From its birth to today, the 2CV has become the French symbol of an entire art of living. How a small car with rudimentary comfort was able to conquer the hearts of the population and still remains today one of the most popular cars in France and abroad. Here is in a few words the story of the deudeuche.


Specifications for the Citroën 2CV

In 1935, Michelin bought the CITROËN group and appointed Pierre Jules Boulanger to its management. Its objective: to think and design a very small car (TPV). In principle, a bicycle with 4 wheels, sealed against dust and rain, economical and accessible to the greatest number. The concept is elementary: the car must offer 4 seats, be able to transport 50 kg of luggage or goods and be able, thanks to its suspension, to cross a plowed field with a basket filled with eggs without breaking any of them. It must also have front-wheel drive, a 3-speed gearbox and taxable 2CV to have a top speed of up to 60 km/h with a consumption of 3 liters per hundred. To sum up, the car, thought out and designed for peasants and low-income social classes at the time, had to be simple, economical both to buy (one-third of the selling price of the CITROËN traction) and to drive. maintenance (a worker having only 10 francs/month to spend on maintenance). Composed of a chassis, a bodywork, seats and an engine where all the parts screwed together are easily dismantled, the 2CV is a car with simple, popular, accessible and family comfort.


When history puts a spoke in the wheels of the deudeuche

"Be original and show your style"


After several prototypes, in 1939 Pierre Boulanger launched the manufacture of a first series of Very Small Cars. But some time later, the Second World War (1939-1945) was declared. Citroën must then, with a heavy heart, dismantle all its prototypes so that they do not fall into the hands of the Nazis. A period of deprivation and restriction follows, but the economy and the productive remain favoured. The search continues in the greatest secrecy. It was in 1948, at the opening of the Motor Show, that Pierre Boulanger unveiled the 2CV to the President of the Republic and to the general public, who were first of all amazed by its design. It is the cheapest car on the market which will become legendary a few years later.


2CV Special Series, the variations of a model that drives

About ten years after the birth of the deuche, the special models appeared. Here is a (non-exhaustive) list of some of the most famous models.

2CV 4X4 SAHARA (1960)

Car equipped with two engines in series and produced at 693 ex. This is the most sought after model by collectors. It is characterized by its spare wheel on the bonnet.

2CV 4X4 SAHARA (1960)

Car equipped with two engines in series and produced at 693 ex. This is the most sought after model by collectors. It is characterized by its spare wheel on the bonnet.

2CV 4X4 SAHARA (1960)

Car equipped with two engines in series and produced at 693 ex. This is the most sought after model by collectors. It is characterized by its spare wheel on the bonnet.



Proposée en série limitée en 1980, son succès est tel, que malgré son prix plus élevé de 10% par rapport à la 2CV classique, la 2CV charleston intègre la gamme en juillet 1981 (modèle 82).

Elle se distingue par ses couleurs, noire et rouge Delage, ses phares chromés (rouge Delage sur la série limitée), son tissu gris uni à motifs losanges (pied de poule noir et blanc dans la 1ʳᵉ version) et ses freins à disques (freins à tambour dans la version limité).

Forte de son essor, la 2CV Charleston est ensuite déclinée en couleurs gris Cormoran et gris, puis en jaune et noir.


But also: the DOLLY (bicolor), the COCORICO (designed for the qualification of the French team during the football world cup in 1986 in Mexico). It is customized with a Blue, White, Red gradient sticker. The 2CV PERRIER (1988 and 1989), the 2CV 6 BASKET (1976, only 2 units made) and the 2CV van (AK350) with its removable bench seat which makes this 2CV a multi-function vehicle that is both family and professional.

Finally, the deudeuche has become legendary over time. A popular and simple vehicle, it became the emblem of a French way of life. Its ease of assembly and dismantling gives it considerable appeal and leaves the field open to the imagination, whether in its form (BURTON, trailer, etc.) or in the originality of the choice of bodywork colours, a the only watchword is pleasure.


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